five things, december 16th edition


all photos taken at Simply Selma's. I love instagram.

1. I think I have nearly everything done. Nearly.

2. I think were all so excited that my mom (Ama) gets here on Sunday. She'll start baking!

3. I think I'm so grateful to Simply Selma's for taking such good care of us at gift purchasing and wrapping time.

4. I think I am totally overwhelmed by the support I have received this week. From your interest in my workshop, to Helene's continued support (I'm beyond tickled that she gave SPL a shout out on tartlette!) and guidance to purchasing a white Christmas tree (long story) to reconnecting with old photography friends. Even Heirloom Book Company shared the link to the blog post I wrote! All the love I feel from Charleston makes me want to move there! Honestly, I couldn't ask for much more.

5. I think all of you who think my friend Mark's comments are so funny and so clever should go check out his blog Our Simple Lives. He is just as funny and clever as he appears here, and he'll keep you laughing, but I warn you, he's cold hearted and the words "sweet," "lovely" or "awesome" will never appear in emails to you or in comments to your own posts. Just sayin'.

Happy Weekend dear friends! Christmas is a-coming! Oh wait, before I go! I want to know: what's everyone making for Christmas dinner? We're still deciding around these parts, and I could use some inspiration.