five things, july 15 edition

Callum_braces-17 1. I think it was as big and good a week for him as we thought.
2. I think I'm enjoying a book my friend Jean gave me called The Happiness Project. You should check it out.
3. I think I want to do some more reflective writing. I've been thinking about that a lot lately.
4. I think since everyone else is doing it (I'm looking at you Mark.) , and since I need to, I'm going to start getting rid of a certain amount of clutter each week. Ten items? Five? Twelve? What do you think?
5. I think I thought it would be worse than it was, and that he'd look more different than he does. But I think he looks great, and it's all going to be good.

Callum_braces-25 Braces!