spring break on film

I said in my last post that our ratio of beach to ballpark was skewed ballpark and I needed a bit more beach. Live and learn. We got in the water one afternoon (come back Tuesday for those pics because I'm THRILLED!), and that was it. Walks every morning and evening, and a hotel that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico just aren't enough for me apparently. Such a whiner.

I think we'll do it a little differently next year. Build in a beach day. Send Cal to the ball park on his own. Regardless, I was so grateful to have my film camera with me on my trip. I had some troubles with it. I'm noticing some focusing issues that I'm still trying to pinpoint, and somewhere in the sand is the Artisan Obscura button Neel got me for Christmas. But those Gulf Coast colors? That bright white sand and dreamy blues? Those golden sunsets? How gorgeous is that? Who's ready to go back?