autumn eve (updated*)

IMG_4466 I suppose technically today is the first day of autumn, but since things don't officially kick in until after eleven tonight, I can't really count it. I am ready. I feel like I have been pushing back against the urge for fall for weeks now. Pushing back against my yearning for all the wonderful things that spell autumn to me. Somehow I feel as if I shouldn't want it too soon.

Sweaters and long pants.
Danskos and knee socks.
Skirts and tights.
Thick soups bursting with roasty flavor.
The bite of cool air against my cheeks.
Scarves wrapped around my throat and on my knitting needles
Flannel sheets and the weight of heavy blankets.
Fires in the fire pit.
The solid thunk of acorns hitting the house.
Gray skies and rainy days (oh, for some rain.)
Early evenings and houses lit from within.
Winter food like sausage and beans, roast squash and chili.
Fires in the fireplace with the house smelling like woodsmoke.
Of course, more football.

Lordy, I could go on. We're predicted to have 90 degrees for the next two days, and it's killing me. My friend Debbie (hereafter referred to as Kate/Cate) is just the opposite. She's a Southern Californian, so give her sunshine and 79 degrees every day and she's happy. I used to be the same. When we lived in San Diego I used to have to think, "Okay, January. Now what time of year is that? Okay. Winter." We'd staunchly tell people that our seasons change too. Yeah...sorta. 

Now I embrace the change and yearn for it. Kate/Cate sees fall in her headlights and knows that winter is around the corner. That thought fills her with dread. I see the same thing, and I think with a whisper of excitement, "What if it snows...?"

*I told Debbie/Kate/Cate that Neel really prefers Catherine with a "C" to Katherine with a "K," and since Debbie/Kate/Cate likes Cate Blanchette she's good with that, so I went back and changed things a bit.