gearing up


To say that we're all on the mend over here might be overstating it a little.  Callum's doing much better, although he's still getting tired easily, but I'm still fighting a fever and coughing like a tuberculosis patient waiting to catch a plane for his honeymoon, and Neel and I are both blowing our noses enough to go through several boxes of those.  Ugh.  This virus has lasted a long time.


In the meantime, autumn has burst into technicolor and I miss my little life and my little blog and oh, Thanksgiving, I've barely had a chance to give you a thought.  We mustered the energy to get to the grocery store today and the counters are littered with all the fixings for tomorrow. 

I've had so much I wanted to say about Thanksgiving.  It really is my favorite holiday.  We've spent it many different ways, but this year it'll be just the three of us (That was the plan even before the plague hit!).  I'm so glad.  That's how Thanksgivings were for me growing up, quiet "just us guys" time, and all I want is my family with me right now.


So I've made the first small step towards setting the table, and I'm really hoping to check back in tomorrow with some less congested updates on food and family fun.  I miss everybody.  Slurp.